
2017 CCNP RS, PPPoE Labs

interface Dialer1
ip address negotiated  !! use an IP address provided by the PPPoE server



PPP - Point-to-point protocol
-Layer 2 Encapsulating (L2 frames)
-PPP supports two types of authentication
 -PAP – Plain text
 -CHAP – Secure (uses a shared secret)

PPP Phases:
1) LCP (Link establishment Phase).
Parameters are specified for the link to be established,
both devices need to agree on authentication type, compression, error detection, multilink and ppp callback.
Once the values are agreed it can move onto step 2 or 3.

2) Authentication (PAP,CHAP or EAP).
Optional phase, but if implemented both devices need to know that the device they are speaking to is who they say they are.

3) NCP (Network Control Phase).
Layer 2 to layer 3 transition phase.

It provides communication with the IP layer (IPCP). Gives us an IP address we can then communicate with.

PPP configuration:
Username R2 password secret
Interface ser0/0
   Encapsulation ppp
   Ppp authentication chap
   Ppp chap hostname R1

PPP Verification:
show ppp interfaces
show interfaces

PPPoE - PPP over Ethernet
To understand PPPoE, one must understand the limits of PPP.
The limit of PPP is that it MUST be POINT TO POINT. What if I want to provide 100,000 customers with access, but restrict everyone else who is not a paying customer because this is a shared medium? DING DING DING! PPPoE.

PPPoE lets us make virtual tunnels across Ethernet, and it allows for Authentication (MAC ADDRESS), Username/password challenges, encryption, traffic shaping (good for ISPs), and a way to gauge number of connections to correctly bill people.

How does PPPoE create its sessions?
1)   The client advertises a PADI packet (PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation)
2)   When the Access Concentrator (server) receives a valid PADI packet, it replies with a PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer)
3)   Because PPPoE is running across a shared medium it can receive multiple PADOs. It has to filter out, and find the correct PADO (hostname/services). Then it sends a PADR (PPPoE Active Discovery Request) packet to the access concentrator.
4)   Finally the AC replies with a PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery Session-information). This creates the virtual interface that will negotiate PPP.


CPE—The customer premises equipment router is a small router such as the Cisco 800 series router that is used either as a bridge or to initiate PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) connections from the customer PC to the Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol (L2TP) access concentrator (LAC).

Cisco Intelligent Service Gateway (ISG) and ATM as the aggregation technology.
The Cisco ISG software provides a feature set that assists the service provider with provisioning and maintaining broadband networks that have many types of edge devices and many subscribers and services.
The Cisco ISG software combines real-time session and flow control with programmable, dynamic policy control to deliver flexible and scalable subscriber session management capabilities.

•ISG—A Cisco router such as the Cisco 7200, 7300, and 10000 series is configured as an ISG to control subscriber access at the edge of an IP/MPLS network.
•ISG as LAC—In the L2TP deployments, the ISG also serves as a LAC. It is maintained by the ISP as part of its central network. It receives incoming sessions from the DSLAM and forwards them to the appropriate retail ISP by establishing an L2TP tunnel with the LNS. The LAC contacts the ISP's authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server to determine the forwarding information based on the subscriber's domain name.
•ISG as LNS—An LNS is used only in L2TP deployments. The LNS terminates the L2TP tunnel from the LAC and the PPPoE session from the subscriber. It is maintained by the ISP on its central network. The ISG LNS authenticates the user by contacting the AAA server for ISP, and assigns the user a VRF. The ISG LNS also communicates with the AAA server when the user requests additional services.
•ISG as BRAS—A Broadband Remote Access Server (BRAS) is a high-density ISG router that supports thousands of simultaneous active sessions for the widest variety of broadband architectures.

A broadband remote access server (BRAS, B-RAS or BBRAS) routes traffic to and from broadband remote access devices such as digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAM) on an Internet service provider's (ISP) network. BRAS can also be referred to as a Broadband Network Gateway (BNG).

Configure a PPPoE Client:
interface gi0/0
   no ip address
   pppoe enable                     !! enables pppoe
   pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1  !! configures a pppoe client and specifies dial-on-demand (ddr) functionality
interface dialer 1          !! defines a dialer rotary group
   mtu 1492                 !! set mtu to 1492 because of 8 bit ppp overhead; else fragment
   ip address negotiated    !! ip address is obtained via ppp/ipcp negotiation
   encapsulation ppp
   dialer pool 1            !! sets the dialing pool the dialer interface uses to connect
   ppp pap sent-username u1 pass pwd1   !! defines pap auth
   ppp chap hostname blah_hostname      !! defines separate chap hostname for auth
   ppp chap password 0 blah_pass        !! defines chap password for autrh 
bba-group pppoe bba1    virtual-template 1
interface loopback 1
   ip address
interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
   no ip address
   negotiation auto
   pppoe enable group bba1
interface virtual-template 1
   description pppoe bba1
   mtu 1492
   ip unnumbered loopback 1
   peer default ip address pool pool1
   ppp authentication pap
ip local pool pool1

PPPoE Verification Commands:
show pppoe interfaces
show pppoe statistics
show pppoe summary

1) What are the most common PPPoE clients?
PCs connected to an ISP over broadband

2) What communication technology is most associated with PPPoE?

3) What are the phases of PPPoE? What happens in each phase?
Phase 1 = LCP (protocol acception + authentication matches).
Phase 2 = NCP (Negotiation of L3 protocols) IF IP it negotiates compression + IP Address assignments.

4) What protocols are used to authenticate PPPoE?
   a) Which one uses encryption? How does that protocol establish a connection?
   CHAP. It uses a three-way handshake to establish a connection.
   b) By process of elimination, which protocol uses plaintext?
   c) How does *that* protocol establish a connection?
   During the LCP process it checks its local database for a match from the neighbor.
5) Can a PPPoE server initiate a PPPoE connection?
No, only a client can establish a PPPoE connection.

6) Will PPPoE communicate via IP addresses or MAC addresses? Why?
Because PPPoE goes accross a shared medium, IP addresses are used to communicate with the concentrator.
However MAC is used as an authenticator.

7) What is the most common MTU for PPPoE?
   a) Why is it smaller than a typical Ethernet frame?
   Because PPP has an 8 byte overhead
8) Why is DHCP not supported with PPPoE?
Because DHCP is an IP based protocol, while PPPoE is a L2 protocol.

9) What is the "setroute" option used for?
The setroute option sets the the default route for a PPPoE client has not yet established a connection

10) What command is used to set a static IP address for a PPPoE interface?
Under interface dialer, configure ip address for static.

11) What is "interesting traffic"?
Any traffic that matches a permit statement in an ACL
   a) Why would you want it for a PPPoE connection?
   You want to specificy interesting traffic if you are paying for a subscription service based on throughput.
   This limits what can use the connection.
   b) What is DDR and how does it relate to "interesting traffic"?
   DDR = Dial On Demand Routing is the feature that supports interesting traffic.
12) Before configuring a username and password on a Cisco device, what commands are used for the VPDN setup?
vpdn enable; vpdn-group <X>; request-dialin; protocol pppoe

13) What command displays current PPPoE configuration?
show pppoe session / show ip address outside pppoe

14) What command displays current VPDN configuration?
show vpdn / show vpdn tunnel

15) What command clears VPDN settings?
clear configure vpdn group

16) Is it possible to set up an Easy VPN over PPPoE?
no, easyvpn is not supported over pppoe
   a) How about MLP?
   no, MLPPP is not supported over pppoe
   b) What about NSF with SSO?
   no, NSF with SSO is not supported over pppoe
17) Can a device be both a PPPoE client and server?
no, a device cannot be a client and server

18) In PPPoE, what is PADI, PADO, and PADR?
PADI - PPPoE Active Dsicovery intitiation,
PADO - PPPoE Active Discovery Offer,
PADR - PPPoE Active Discovery Request

Configuring PPPoE in a VPDN group limited PPPoE configuration options because only one PPPoE VPDN group with one virtual template is permitted on a device.

The PPPoE Profiles feature (bba-group = Broadband Aggregation Group) provides simplicity and flexibility in PPPoE configuration by separating PPPoE from VPDN configuration. The PPPoE Profiles feature allows multiple PPPoE profiles, each with a different configuration, to be used on a single device.
 - bba-group is needed if you want to use more then one PPPoE session

VPDN is depricated:
Config with old IOS
vpdn enable
vpdn-group PPPOE
  protocol pppoe
  virtual-template 1

interface virtual-template 1
 ip address
 ppp authentication chap
 ppp chap hostname MYROUTER

When configuring the vpdn running version 12.4(23)
SPRack1R6(config)#vpdn-group PPPOE
SPRack1R6(config-vpdn-acc-in)#protocol pppoe

% PPPoE config from vpdn-group is converted to pppoe-profile based config.
% Continue PPPoE configuration under 'bba-group pppoe global'

Changed to:
bba-group pppoe global
 virtual-template 1


hostname SERVER
username CPE password 0 MyPassword
bba-group pppoe MyGroup    !! Broadband Aggregation (BBA) group will handle incoming PPPoE connection attempts
 virtual-template 1
 sessions per-mac limit 2  !! PPPoE session limits.
interface Gi0/0
 no sh
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 pppoe enable group MyGroup
int lo9
ip add
interface Virtual-Template1          !! virtual template for the customer-facing interface
 ip address
 peer default ip address pool MyPool
 ppp authentication chap callin      !! enforce CHAP authentication on our virtual template
 ppp ipcp route default              !! send default route to client
ip local pool MyPool
ip route !! route back to CPE LAN just for sake of testing

hostname CPE
interface Gi0/0
 no sh
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 pppoe enable
 pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
interface Dialer1       !! handle the PPPoE connection, and tie it to a physical interface which provides the transport
 mtu 1492               !! to avoid unnecessary fragmentation
 ip address negotiated  !! use an IP address provided by the PPPoE server
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer pool 1
 ppp chap password 0 MyPassword
int lo1
 descr -= emulante LAN=-
 ip add
! ip route Dialer1  !! Route all traffic via the PPPOE link, ppp ipcp route default no working
do wr

CPE# show pppoe session
CPE# clear int dialer 1    !! restart pppoe client
CPE# debug ppp authentication
CPE# debug ppp negotiation
SERVER# show users


A virtual template interface is used to provide the configuration for dynamically created Virtual-Access interfaces.
It is created by users and can be saved in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM).

SERVER#  sh ip int br | inc up
GigabitEthernet0/0         unassigned      YES NVRAM  up                    up   
Loopback9                 YES NVRAM  up                    up   
Virtual-Access2            unassigned      YES unset  up                    up   
Virtual-Access2.1        YES NVRAM  up                    up   

SERVER# show users
    Line       User       Host(s)              Idle       Location
*  0 con 0                idle                 00:00:00 
  Interface    User               Mode         Idle     Peer Address
  Vi2.1                           PPPoE        -

CPE# sh ip int br | inc up
GigabitEthernet0/0         unassigned      YES unset  up                    up   
Dialer1                  YES IPCP   up                    up   
Loopback1             YES manual up                    up   
Virtual-Access1            unassigned      YES unset  up                    up   
Virtual-Access2            unassigned      YES unset  up                    up   

CPE# show pppoe session
     1 client session
Uniq ID  PPPoE  RemMAC          Port                    VT  VA         State
           SID  LocMAC                                      VA-st      Type
    N/A      1  5003.0002.0000  Gi0/0                   Di1 Vi2        UP   
                5003.0001.0000                              UP           

 Check conectivity:
CPE# ping source 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/6/15 ms

Restart PPPoE session
CPE# debug ppp negotiation
CPE# debug ppp authentication
CPE# clear int dialer 1
*Nov 30 10:19:50.142: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi2 unbound from profile Di1
*Nov 30 10:19:50.147: Vi2 PPP: Block vaccess from being freed [0x10]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.163: Di1 Deleted neighbor route from AVL tree: topoid 0, address
*Nov 30 10:19:50.164: Di1 IPCP: Remove route to
*Nov 30 10:19:50.166: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access2, hanged state to down
*Nov 30 10:19:50.173: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down
*Nov 30 10:19:50.174: Vi2 PPP: Sending cstate DOWN notification
*Nov 30 10:19:50.188: Vi2 PPP: Processing CstateDown message
*Nov 30 10:19:50.189: Vi2 PPP DISC: Lower Layer disconnected
*Nov 30 10:19:50.190: PPP: NET STOP send to AAA.
*Nov 30 10:19:50.192: Vi2 IPCP: Event[DOWN] State[Open to Starting]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.193: Vi2 IPCP: Event[CLOSE] State[Starting to Initial]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.193: Vi2 CDPCP: Event[DOWN] State[Stopped to Starting]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.194: Vi2 CDPCP: Event[CLOSE] State[Starting to Initial]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.195: Vi2 LCP: O TERMREQ [Open] id 2 len 4
*Nov 30 10:19:50.195: Vi2 LCP: Event[CLOSE] State[Open to Closing]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.196: Vi2 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING
*Nov 30 10:19:50.200: Vi2 LCP: Event[DOWN] State[Closing to Initial]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.204: Vi2 PPP: Unlocked by [0x10] Still Locked by [0x0]
*Nov 30 10:19:50.205: Vi2 PPP: Free previously blocked vaccess
*Nov 30 10:19:50.205: Vi2 PPP: Phase is DOWN

Debug on SERVER
PPP Phases:

1) LCP (Link establishment Phase).
2) Authentication (PAP,CHAP or EAP).
3) NCP (Network Control Phase).

 I CONFREQ - Device receive packet (IN)
 O CONFACK - Device send packet (OUT)

SERVER# debug pppoe events 
SERVER# debug ppp authentication
SERVER# debug ppp negotiation 
*Dec  3 13:17:36.448: PPPoE 0: I PADI  R:5003.0001.0000 L:ffff.ffff.ffff Gi0/0
*Dec  3 13:17:36.450:  Service tag: NULL Tag
*Dec  3 13:17:36.450: PPPoE 0: O PADO, R:5003.0002.0000 L:5003.0001.0000 Gi0/0
*Dec  3 13:17:36.451:  Service tag: NULL Tag
*Dec  3 13:17:38.497: PPPoE 0: I PADR  R:5003.0001.0000 L:5003.0002.0000 Gi0/0
*Dec  3 13:17:38.498:  Service tag: NULL Tag
*Dec  3 13:17:38.499: PPPoE : encap string prepared
*Dec  3 13:17:38.500: [5]PPPoE 5: Access IE handle allocated
*Dec  3 13:17:38.503: [5]PPPoE 5: AAA unique ID 13 allocated
*Dec  3 13:17:38.503: [5]PPPoE 5: No AAA accounting method list
*Dec  3 13:17:38.507: [5]PPPoE 5: Service request sent to SSS
*Dec  3 13:17:38.508: [5]PPPoE 5: Created, Service: None R:5003.0002.0000 L:5003.0001.0000 Gi0/0
*Dec  3 13:17:38.539: [5]PPPoE 5: State NAS_PORT_POLICY_INQUIRY    Event SSS MORE KEYS
*Dec  3 13:17:38.540: PPP: Alloc Context [EBC3F4C]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.541: ppp5 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING
*Dec  3 13:17:38.546: [5]PPPoE 5: data path set to PPP
*Dec  3 13:17:38.547: [5]PPPoE 5: Segment (SSS class): PROVISION
*Dec  3 13:17:38.547: [5]PPPoE 5: State PROVISION_PPP    Event SSM PROVISIONED
*Dec  3 13:17:38.548: [5]PPPoE 5: O PADS  R:5003.0001.0000 L:5003.0002.0000 Gi0/0
*Dec  3 13:17:38.551: ppp5 PPP: Using vpn set call direction
*Dec  3 13:17:38.552: ppp5 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Dec  3 13:17:38.552: ppp5 PPP: Session handle[90000005] Session id[5]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.553: ppp5 LCP: Event[OPEN] State[Initial to Starting]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.554: ppp5 PPP: No remote authentication for call-in
*Dec  3 13:17:38.554: ppp5 PPP LCP: Enter passive mode, state[Stopped]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.629: ppp5 LCP: I CONFREQ [Stopped] id 1 len 14
*Dec  3 13:17:38.630: ppp5 LCP:    MRU 1492 (0x010405D4)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.630: ppp5 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x13410D31 (0x050613410D31)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.631: ppp5 LCP: O CONFREQ [Stopped] id 1 len 14
*Dec  3 13:17:38.631: ppp5 LCP:    MRU 1492 (0x010405D4)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.632: ppp5 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x13269944 (0x050613269944)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.633: ppp5 LCP: O CONFACK [Stopped] id 1 len 14
*Dec  3 13:17:38.634: ppp5 LCP:    MRU 1492 (0x010405D4)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.634: ppp5 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x13410D31 (0x050613410D31)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.635: ppp5 LCP: Event[Receive ConfReq+] State[Stopped to ACKsent]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.640: ppp5 LCP: I CONFACK [ACKsent] id 1 len 14
*Dec  3 13:17:38.641: ppp5 LCP:    MRU 1492 (0x010405D4)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.641: ppp5 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x13269944 (0x050613269944)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.641: ppp5 LCP: Event[Receive ConfAck] State[ACKsent to Open]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.649: ppp5 PPP: No authorization without authentication
*Dec  3 13:17:38.651: ppp5 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING, Attempting Forward
*Dec  3 13:17:38.651: ppp5 LCP: State is Open
*Dec  3 13:17:38.705: ppp5 PPP: Queue IPCP code[1] id[1]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.706: ppp5 PPP: Discarded CDPCP code[1] id[1]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.718: [5]PPPoE 5: State LCP_NEGOTIATION    Event SSS CONNECT LOCAL
*Dec  3 13:17:38.732: [5]PPPoE 5: Segment (SSS class): UPDATED
*Dec  3 13:17:38.733: [5]PPPoE 5: Segment (SSS class): BOUND
*Dec  3 13:17:38.734: [5]PPPoE 5: data path set to Virtual Acess
*Dec  3 13:17:38.734: [5]PPPoE 5: State LCP_NEGOTIATION    Event SSM UPDATED
*Dec  3 13:17:38.737: Vi2.1 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Finish LCP
*Dec  3 13:17:38.738: Vi2.1 PPP: Phase is UP
*Dec  3 13:17:38.738: Vi2.1 IPCP: Protocol configured, start CP. state[Initial]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.739: Vi2.1 IPCP: Event[OPEN] State[Initial to Starting]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.739: Vi2.1 IPCP: O CONFREQ [Starting] id 1 len 10
*Dec  3 13:17:38.740: Vi2.1 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A000001)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.741: Vi2.1 IPCP: Event[UP] State[Starting to REQsent]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.742: Vi2.1 PPP: Process pending ncp packets
*Dec  3 13:17:38.742: Vi2.1 IPCP: Redirect packet to Vi2.1
*Dec  3 13:17:38.742: Vi2.1 IPCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 10
*Dec  3 13:17:38.742: Vi2.1 IPCP:    Address (0x030600000000)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.743: Vi2.1 IPCP AUTHOR: Done. Her address, we want
*Dec  3 13:17:38.744: Vi2.1 IPCP: Pool returned
*Dec  3 13:17:38.745: Vi2.1 IPCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 10
*Dec  3 13:17:38.745: Vi2.1 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A000006)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.747: Vi2.1 IPCP: Event[Receive ConfReq-] State[REQsent to REQsent]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.749: Vi2.1 IPCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 10
*Dec  3 13:17:38.749: Vi2.1 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A000001)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.749: Vi2.1 IPCP: Event[Receive ConfAck] State[REQsent to ACKrcvd]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.753: [5]PPPoE 5: State PTA_BINDING    Event STATIC BIND RESPONSE
*Dec  3 13:17:38.754: [5]PPPoE 5: Connected PTA
*Dec  3 13:17:38.754: Vi2.1 IPCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 10
*Dec  3 13:17:38.755: Vi2.1 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A000006)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.755: Vi2.1 IPCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 10
*Dec  3 13:17:38.756: Vi2.1 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A000006)
*Dec  3 13:17:38.757: Vi2.1 IPCP: Event[Receive ConfReq+] State[ACKrcvd to Open]
*Dec  3 13:17:38.758: Vi2.1 IPCP: State is Open
*Dec  3 13:17:38.761: PPPoE : ipfib_encapstr  prepared
*Dec  3 13:17:38.765: Vi2.1 IPCP: Install default route thru
*Dec  3 13:17:38.768: Vi2.1 Added to neighbor route AVL tree: topoid 0, address
*Dec  3 13:17:38.768: Vi2.1 IPCP: Install route to
*Dec  3 13:17:40.686: Vi2.1 CDPCP: I CONFREQ [UNKNOWN] id 2 len 4
*Dec  3 13:17:40.686: Vi2.1 LCP: O PROTREJ [Open] id 2 len 10 protocol CDPCP (0x01020004)

Check Client IP
CPE# sh ip int br | inc Dialer1
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
Dialer1                  YES IPCP   up                    up